Requesting your Free case evaluation sets me to work figuring out how strong your case might be and how much it impact it might have on achieving your desired results.
I will do all of the legal heavy-lifting, like analyzing your documents and the history and facts of your case and comparing it with the many State and Federal laws that may benefit you, but I need some participation from you.
I will ask (and make it easy) for you to upload (or mail) all of the documents that pertain to your case or cases and to give me your personal information like where you actually live, what your phone number is, and, in some cases, your social security number.
I will also ask you to collect and save mailings and voice mails that may help your case and in some cases, I will recommend that you write certain letters (like Credit Report disputes) that will help your case enormously.
So, please fill out this form to begin the process and I will then send you regular emails with step-by-step instructions on how to send me the facts and evidence in your case. EVERYTHING you send and/or tell me is strictly confidential!