CFPB Debt Collection Complaint Ranking*:
#212 of 2,458 Companies
Lawsuits, Penalties, or Sanctions:
Location and Contact Details:
495 Commerce Dr., Ste. 2
Amherst, NY 14228-2311
Phone: (716) 504-68755
Fax: (716) 691-5397
John “Johnny” Chebat, CEO
Jim Prawel, COO
Gary Todaro, Ethics Contact
Business Model:
Account Discovery Systems, LLC (ADS) is a debt collection agency based in upstate New York. ADS specializes in third-party collections for clients in the student loan, medical loan, auto loan, retail, and rent-to-own industries. ADS was founded in 2012.
CEO John Chebat is associated with several other collections agencies in New York State including: Western New York Capital, Inc.; International Asset Group, LLC; Unified Asset Solutions, LLC; Outsourced Legal Prep, LLC; Argos Alliance Group, LLC; and Check Systems Recovery, LLC.
Chebat is also associated with an online sporting website
* Ranking determined by the overall number of debt collection complaints to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) as of year-end 2015 and should be considered in context of company size and/or market share. See the CFPB debt collection complaint database in real-time here.
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