CFPB Debt Collection Complaint Ranking*:

#174 of 2,458 Companies

Location and Contact Details:

1000 Abernathy Rd., Ste. 200 
Atlanta, GA 30328-5604
Phone: (770) 612-7007
Fax: unknown
William Shepro, CEO
Jacqueline Marcucci, Ethics Contact

Business Model:

Altisource Portfolio Solutions, S.A.r.l. (also S.A.) is a debt collector for the real estate, mortgage and consumer debt industries. It provides services to one of the nation’s largest sub-prime servicers, government agencies and many lenders, servicers, investors, mortgage bankers, credit unions, financial services companies and hedge funds across the country.

Established in 2009, Altisource is the result of a merger of businesses owned by Ocwen Financial Corporation. Altisource is publically traded (NASDAQ: ASPS).

Altisource has several associated business units including: (online real estate listings and transactions); and Nationwide Credit, Inc.

Altisource Solutions, Inc. is a subsidiary.

* Ranking determined by the overall number of debt collection complaints to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) as of year-end 2015 and should be considered in context of company size and/or market share. See the CFPB debt collection complaint database in real-time here

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Michael F. Cardoza, Esq.
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U.S. Marine & Consumer Financial Protection Attorney helping victims of ID theft and Credit Reporting errors.