CFPB Debt Collection Complaint Ranking*:
#126 of 2,458 Companies
Location and Contact Details:
310 Billingsly Ct.
Franklin, TN 37067-4624
Phone: (800) 282-3214
Fax: (800) 296-3317
Wesley Shutt, CEO
Greg Nowicki, President
Business Model:
Formed in 2003, Capital Accounts, LLC specializes in debt collection services and payment processing. They specialize in for dental practice and business-to-business debts.
President Greg Nowicki is also associated with another debt collection business called Client Care Group, LLC.
* Ranking determined by the overall number of debt collection complaints to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) as of year-end 2015 and should be considered in context of company size and/or market share. See the CFPB debt collection complaint database in real-time here.
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