CFPB Debt Collection Complaint Ranking*:
#224 of 2,458 Companies
Location and Contact Details:
16070 Aviation Loop Dr.
Brooksville, FL 34604-6802
Phone: (305) 292-2668
Phone: (352) 848-0322
Fax: (305) 292-9919
Fax: (866) 711-4082
Robert E. Jenkins, III, Owner
Bill Williams, Ethics Contact
Business Model:
Gold Key Credit, Inc. is debt collection and receivables management company. Gold Key specializes in third party collections of medical and consumer debt. Their client base ranges from local businesses to major national and international corporations. It operates call centers in Key West, Florida and Chenai, India. The business was established in 1996.
* Ranking determined by the overall number of debt collection complaints to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) as of year-end 2015 and should be considered in context of company size and/or market share. See the CFPB debt collection complaint database in real-time here.
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