You knew that your credit would take a hit when you filed for bankruptcy, but at the time, you simply had no other option. You’ve made good on your promise not to make the same mistake twice, and have been diligently working to pay down your bills almost as soon as they arrive. However, your most recent credit report still lists your old debts for all of your creditors to see (and potentially use to deny additional loans).
How Can I Get a Credit Reporting Agency to Erase My Old Debt?
Many consumers do not realize that any debt that is older than ten years—including bankruptcy—should not be included in your credit report at all. In order to clear incorrect information, you will have to file a dispute with your credit bureau. This involves submitting a dispute in writing, indicating which information is outdated, along with copies of statements or documents with clear dates that back up your claim.
Should I Ask an Attorney for Help?
If you have documentation that proves your credit reporting agency is supplying outdated information, you may not need the help of an attorney to resolve the issue. However, there are several ways a consumer law attorney can expedite your case—especially if you are having multiple issues with creditors and debt collectors, such as:
- No response. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, a credit bureau is required to respond to your dispute within 30 days. For this reason, you should send your dispute and forms via certified mail and request a return receipt. If you have waited longer than 30 days after your dispute was accepted, you can contact the Federal Trade Commission or proceed with a lawsuit against the bureau.
- Multiple creditors. We represent clients with nearly every kind of past-due consumer debt, including credit cards, mortgages and rental fees, home loans, student loans, health care costs, unpaid utility bills, and more. In many cases, our clients will be facing opposition from more than one creditor at a time. We can examine your case to see which of your creditors may be liable for legal action, allowing you to clear as much or as little of your debt as you choose.
- Large companies. If a large company is taking advantage of one customer, it is more likely to be overcharging all of its customers. In cases where a large company is guilty of price gouging, our firm organizes a class action suit to bring all of the wronged consumers together against the company. The more people join a class action, the more likely it is to be successful—and you do not pay any attorney fees unless the case is won.
At The Cardoza Law Corporation, we can help you take action against credit reporting agencies and creditors who are negatively impacting your finances. Click the contact link on this page to consult with an experienced consumer law attorney.