Can a collection company call multiple times per day? Can a creditor really increase your interest rate if you cannot pay your bills? If you have a question about debt collection, credit reporting, or any other issues related to consumer law, our FAQ section might provide the answer you need right now. If it doesn't, contact us using the contact form or the toll-free number and we'll answer it for you within 24 hours!
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I just got a "forebearance" that I didn't ask for. What's up with that?
Will Corona Virus affect my Credit Report?
Will a mistake on my credit report affect my financial aid?
Is anything being done in Congress to protect consumers’ credit report information?
Will an error on my credit report affect my new car loan?
Can I dispute a credit report error online?
Can a sealed or expunged criminal record show up on a background check?
When does a landlord owe a notice of adverse action to a potential tenant?
How can I get a lien that I paid off removed from my credit report?
I disputed false information on my credit report, but the credit bureau says it’s correct. What do I do now?