Can a collection company call multiple times per day? Can a creditor really increase your interest rate if you cannot pay your bills? If you have a question about debt collection, credit reporting, or any other issues related to consumer law, our FAQ section might provide the answer you need right now. If it doesn't, contact us using the contact form or the toll-free number and we'll answer it for you within 24 hours!
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Will filing a dispute with a credit bureau hurt my credit score?
Why am I being contacted by multiple debt collectors for the same debt?
Should I panic if my debt is “sent to legal?”
What is the right way to dispute a credit report error?
Am I covered under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act?
How Can I Avoid Being A Victim Of A For-Profit College Scam?
Do I need to file a police report if I am filing an identity theft report with the FTC?
How can I protect my stored property when I am on active duty?
Can I lose my house or my car while I am serving in the military?
How do I get accounts opened by an identity thief off my credit report?