Are you frustrated with a billing error that just doesn't seem to go away? I'm consumer financial protection attorney Mike Cardoza. I'm going to give you three easy steps to take when you're confronted with a billing error that's causing you frustration.
One, document the error. Show in writing why what you're being charged is wrong. Two, send that documentation to your creditor or the collector either by fax or by mail. Three, if it isn't fixed to your satisfaction within 15 days, send that documentation to me for a free case evaluation.
Under California law, a creditor has only 15 days from the day they receive written notification of a billing or collection error to fix it, and usually that means fixed to your satisfaction.
I'm standing here in front of the Oakland Federal Courthouse, and I recommend that if you're considering getting free attorney help for your problem, you choose somebody who's going to take your case as far as it needs to go in order to get satisfaction.
Your problems may not mean much to creditors, debt collectors, credit reporting agencies, but they mean a lot to you, and the law is designed to protect you and also in many cases to pay my fee. If this message is resonating with you and if you've got these issues and problems, follow my three easy steps and then call me. Get in touch today, contact me so that I can help you get the relief you deserve.
If you have an unresolved billing error, follow these three steps to fix it!
1. Document their errors in writing (write a note to go along with it and put the date on it),
2. Mail or FAX that proof to them and keep a receipt showing you sent it, and,
3. Send me a copy in the event they don't FIX YOUR PROBLEM WITHIN 15 DAYS, so I can give you a FREE case evaluation!
Look, it's important that instead of getting frustrated, you take action quickly. The law only gives you a short amount of time to file a lawsuit if your dispute doesn't work. So, write that letter, attach those documents that prove their error, send it off (save a copy and proof that you mailed it!), and stop worrying.
If your problem isn't fixed within 15 days, you may be entitled to legal representation for no money down and for compensation in addition to getting your problem fixed! It's really that simple.